Colorectal Cancer

At UCLA Health, we combine our world-renowned expertise with empathetic, high-quality colorectal cancer care.

Blue ribbon colorectal cancer awareness

Why choose UCLA Health for colorectal cancer care?

皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校医疗中心被评为全美最佳癌症医院之一 U.S. News & World Report. We provide colorectal cancer treatment and screening through the UCLA Health Jonsson Comprehensive Cancer Center (JCCC). JCCC一直以卓越的研究和卓越的病人护理而闻名.

我们的结肠癌专家在您癌症治疗的每个阶段提供专业知识和坚定的支持. At UCLA Health, you will find:

A nationally recognized team: 我们创新的皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校结直肠外科医生是该领域的领导者.

Comprehensive, compassionate care: 我们的医生会花时间确保您了解您的诊断并了解您的护理期望. 我们的目标是让您和您的亲人在您的结肠直肠癌治疗过程中尽可能舒适. 

Convenient locations: 我们在大洛杉矶地区的多个地点提供结肠癌和直肠癌服务. 在皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康中心的皇冠hga020电脑版癌症护理中心,您可以在家附近获得最高质量的护理.

Our services


Colorectal Cancer Diagnosis

A diagnosis gives us a starting point. 我们使用最新的技术来检测结直肠癌的症状,并快速诊断癌症,以便我们可以立即开始治疗.

Colonoscopy: 一种允许医生用结肠镜检查你下消化道内部的程序, known as your colon and rectum. During a colonoscopy, 医生会发现并切除癌前病变(息肉)和早期结直肠癌 .

Digital rectal exam: 直肠检查医生将戴着手套的手指插入直肠以检查肿块的一种检查.

Barium enema: An imaging test in which a doctor inserts liquid into the rectum, searching for polyps or growths in the colon and rectum.

Sigmoidoscopy: 医生用乙状结肠镜在直肠和结肠下部拍摄图像的一种手术.

Biopsy: 从肿瘤中提取一小块组织样本,然后在显微镜下观察的一种方法.

Cancer genetics

你可以遗传某些类型的结直肠癌,比如林奇综合症. 这就是为什么皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康中心的结直肠癌项目提供基因检测、咨询和指导. 我们的专家会评估增加风险的因素,并帮助您做出有关健康的重要决定. Learn more about our cancer genetics program.

Colorectal cancers we treat

当结肠或直肠的细胞生长失控时,就会发生结肠直肠癌. Starting as a small growth, or polyp, in the colon or rectum, colorectal cancer can spread to other parts of your body. We treat all types of colon and rectal cancers including:

Adenocarcinoma: 最常见的结肠癌类型是腺癌,起源于结肠周围的腺体.

Carcinoid tumors: A rare type of colorectal cancer, 类癌通常生长缓慢,通常多年无症状. 也被称为神经内分泌肿瘤,这些肿瘤起源于结肠的激素产生细胞.

Gastrointestinal stromal tumors (GIST): 胃肠道间质瘤始于胃肠道壁的神经细胞. 胃肠道间质瘤是一种罕见的结直肠癌,生长缓慢或迅速.

Lymphoma: 一种免疫系统癌症,可起源于结肠或直肠的淋巴结.

Sarcoma: A colorectal cancer that begins in blood vessels, 结肠和直肠壁的肌肉层或其他结缔组织. Learn more about sarcomas.

Treatments we offer

无论你是需要微创手术还是复杂的治疗方案, UCLA Health offers the most advanced treatments available, including:

Nonsurgical colorectal cancer treatments


Chemotherapy: Powerful cancer-killing drugs. 化疗通常与放疗联合使用,在手术前缩小肿瘤.

Radiation therapy: 在手术前使用高能辐射束来缩小肿瘤.

Immunotherapy: 一种利用身体免疫系统对抗癌症的药物疗法. 免疫治疗药物可以注射到皮肤下或肌肉中, administered intravenously or taken orally.

Targeted therapy: Also called biologic therapy, 这些药物攻击特定的癌细胞来阻止肿瘤的生长, without harming normal cells.

Colon cancer surgery

我们受过专门训练的专家专门从事治疗结直肠癌的一系列外科手术. These include:

Local excision: A minimally invasive surgery for early-stage colorectal cancers. 局部切除使用结肠镜切除结肠中的小癌性肿瘤.

Laparoscopic surgery: A minimally invasive surgery technique for performing resection. 腹腔镜手术比传统手术恢复时间更短,痛苦更少.

Resection: 切除晚期癌症的手术,切除结肠中含有癌细胞的部分, along with nearby healthy tissues and lymph nodes. 它也可能需要在体外开一个口(结肠造口术),让废物通过一个外部的袋子.

Meet our team

和结肠癌和直肠癌领域的知名专家, our team offers leading-edge care from diagnosis to recovery.

Contact us

Call 888-662-8252 要求预约皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康中心的结直肠癌专家.

Find your care

我们的结直肠癌专家拥有您可以信赖的经验和专业知识. For more information, connect with a cancer care specialist at 888-662-8252.