
什么是放射肿瘤学? It’s the treatment of various forms of cancer using radiation therapy. AUCLA健康中心, we provide expert care using state-of-the-art technology and personalized treatment.



放射肿瘤学aUCLA健康中心, 让你可以访问 采用以病人为中心的治疗方法的放射肿瘤学家. We deliver expert care for patients while also offering attentive support for family members. We live out our mission to advance cancer treatment through research initiatives that directly translate to better patient care.  

When patients choose UCLA Health for radiation oncology, they are choosing:

专家团队: 我们的团队包括医生, 辐射治疗, 科学家们, 医学物理学家, 专业护士等. Combined with our state-of-the-art technology and radiation therapy techniques, we have the expertise to offer patients the most advanced 治疗 available. Our goal is to give each patient the best chances for a positive outcome.

扩大获得保健的机会: 我们要确保每个病人都能得到专家的护理. 事实上, some of our research initiatives have included building remote options for telehealth consultations. Expanding our telehealth options allows patients who live far away or have busy schedules to connect with a specialist efficiently.

创新与科技: 我们给病人更多的放射治疗选择. We are one of only a few centers that offers high dose rate (HDR) brachytherapy for a large range of complex cancers. Our center is also one of only three in the world that uses a Flexitron machine, which allows us to give HDR brachytherapy in one comfortable outpatient setting.


Radiation therapy uses safe doses of radiation to shrink or destroy cancer cells. 有时放射治疗是一种独立的癌症治疗. Your provider may also recommend combining radiation with other 治疗, 比如化疗或手术.

Some of the most common conditions we treat with radiation therapy include:

  • 乳腺癌: 当癌细胞开始在乳腺组织中出现时.
  • 肺癌: 始于肺部的癌症,通常影响吸烟的人.
  • 淋巴瘤: Cancer of the lymphatic system, beginning in the lymph nodes (immune cells that fight infection).  
  • 前列腺癌: When cancer starts in the prostate (small gland that produces semen and sperm).
  • 肉瘤: The broad term for all types of cancers that start in the bones or connective tissue.  
  • 皮肤癌: When skin cells grow uncontrollably, often caused by exposure to ultraviolet (UV) light.
  • 三叉神经痛: 一种影响面部神经的慢性疼痛状况.


皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校放射肿瘤学提供 treatment options designed to give patients the best chances for a positive outcome while also prioritizing safety and comfort. 我们提供的治疗包括: 

近距离放射疗法: 这种疗法将辐射直接照射到或照射到癌组织中. 有时, we use metal or plastic tubes called applicators to focus and direct the radiation to a precise location. 我们也可以使用高剂量率(HDR)近距离治疗, where we use a high dose of radiation for 10 to 20 minutes at a time. We have one of the best, highest-volume brachytherapy centers in the country. 在我们的近距离放疗房里, 我们可以在门诊使用这种治疗方法, 在手术中或准备手术时. 

体外放射治疗(EBRT): 与近距离治疗相反, EBRT directs high-energy X-ray beams toward the body from an outside source. 我们把辐射对准身体的特定部位, 但身体上并没有贴敷器. EBRT是最常见的放射疗法.

影像引导放射治疗: This treatment uses imaging scans to view tumors and plan radiation therapy. 我们是全国仅有的拥有专门的, state-of-the-art positron emission tomography/computed tomography (PET/CT) scanner to use for this treatment. During a PET/CT scan, you receive an injection of a safe substance called a tracer. This tracer shows up on the scanner and gives us highly detailed images of a tumor, 包括肿瘤生长速度的信息.

立体定向放射治疗: We use stereotactic radiosurgery for brain tumors or other tumors in the head. This technique is not actually surgery since patients don’t need any incisions. Instead, we use precise, high-dose radiation beams to send treatment to precise locations. 治疗期间, you lie on a couch that rotates 180 degrees so that we can target the tumor without damaging the healthy tissue surrounding it.

立体定向放射治疗(SBRT): SBRT combines the technology of image-guided radiation with stereotactic techniques. 首先,我们对肿瘤进行三维扫描. The scans integrate with software that helps us plan exactly where to target radiation. Then, we use stereotactic radiosurgery to deliver the radiation dose with expert precision. SBRT可显著缩短治疗时间. 它通常只需要大约五次单独的治疗, 而其他技术则需要35个疗程. 

Radiation therapy typically involves sophisticated technology, such as:

计算机断层扫描(CT)模拟器: CT模拟器就像是放射治疗的演练. Using a simulator before starting radiation ensures that we give patients appropriate setup, 计划与用量.

 直线加速器: These machines are specifically designed to generate high-energy X-rays and electrons. We may use a linear accelerator to deliver stereotactic radiosurgery, 图像引导放射治疗或SBRT.


我们的团队包括病人护理和研究方面的专家. 我们不断寻找并实施新的黄金标准 治疗,包括放射治疗. Our radiation oncologists use a patient-centered approach that prioritizes safety, 精度和舒适性.


To find out more, speak with your health care provider about radiation therapy at UCLA Health.


Radiation oncologists use a patient-centered approach and individualized treatment plans. To learn more and make an appointment with a UCLA radiation oncologist, contact us at:

韦斯特伍德, 310-825-9775
〇圣克拉丽塔 661-287-0010
〇圣莫尼卡 424-259-8777
洛杉矶市中心—— 213-744-1460