
At UCLA Health, we treat sarcoma with clinical expertise, innovation and compassionate care.



肉瘤 is a challenging group of cancers that can originate in bones and connective tissue throughout the body. Our experienced cancer care team specializes in treating sarcoma using groundbreaking research and the latest treatments.

皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康肉瘤项目是 皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康约翰逊综合癌症中心 (JCCC). Our sarcoma oncology center provides the most advanced treatments possible to deliver the best outcomes.

U.S. 皇冠hga025 & 世界报道 consistently ranks the 皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康约翰逊综合癌症中心 among the top cancer centers in the nation. 我们提供:

高容量肉瘤治疗方案: As one of the country's busiest sarcoma programs, 我们的肉瘤专家治疗超过1例,每年200名患者.

富有同情心的协作式护理: We partner with you and your family to customize a sarcoma cancer care plan that fits your needs.

致力于发现: The JCCC's more than 240 researchers and clinicians are passionate about finding new ways to prevent, 检测, 控制和治疗癌症, 包括肉瘤.

方便的位置: You can receive sarcoma cancer services at one of our many community cancer clinics located across the greater Los Angeles region. UCLA Health is proud to offer leading-edge care, close to home.


从诊断到癌症后的护理, UCLA Health's 肉瘤 Program offers comprehensive services, 包括:


Our accomplished team of sarcoma specialists provide comprehensive diagnostic services, 包括:

先进的成像: 检查包括x光和成像研究, 比如CT扫描, 核磁共振和正电子发射断层扫描(PET)扫描.

活组织检查: Procedure to remove tissue from a tumor to examine it for cancer cells.

全血细胞计数: A blood test to check for low levels of red and white blood cells and platelets.

脊椎穿刺(腰椎穿刺): A test in which a specialist removes cerebral fluid to look for cancerous cells. 


Simms/Mann- UCLA Center for Integrative Oncology we use the mind-body connection to promote healing, manage stress and provide coping strategies. Our center offers numerous resources such as counseling, 精神支持和冥想工作坊, 营养及其他.


肉瘤s can appear in most parts of the body, but they are often found in the arms and legs. While sarcomas are a common type of childhood cancer, they are rare in adults. 肉瘤的类型包括:

尤文氏肉瘤: A childhood bone cancer found in the chest, hip or shoulder blades.

胃肠道间质瘤: Also called GIST or gastric sarcoma, this cancerous tumor begins in the gastrointestinal tract. 胃肠道间质瘤最常见于胃, 但也可能出现在结肠, 食道, 小肠和直肠.

骨肉瘤: A type of sarcoma that starts in the cells that form bone. Osteosarcoma is more prevalent among children and young adults. It can spread to nearby tissues, into the bloodstream and to other parts of the body.

横纹肌肉瘤: A rare childhood cancer that begins in the cells that grow into muscles.

软组织肉瘤: A group of 50 cancers of the tissues that connect, support or surround bodily structures and organs, 比如肌肉, 纤维状组织, 神经, 血管和脂肪.


At UCLA Health, we offer the full range of lifesaving sarcoma treatments, 包括:

化疗: Drugs used to damage or kill cancerous cells and tissues. Chemotherapy is often combined with other therapies, such as surgery or radiation.

放射治疗: This treatment focuses radioactive energy on killing cancerous cells without harming surrounding tissues. 我们提供的放射治疗类型包括:

  • 近距离放射疗法: A procedure that places radioactive pellets (seeds) into a catheter in the affected tissues.
  • 调强放射治疗: An external beam radiation technique that precisely targets cancerous tumors and tissues.
  • 术中放射治疗: A procedure in which radiation is administered during surgery to target microscopic cancer cells or hard-to-remove tumors.

免疫疗法: Therapies that activate the immune system to attack the cancer.

手术: 一种治疗肉瘤的常用方法. The goal is to completely remove the cancerous tumor.

临床试验: 研究 studies that test the safety and effectiveness of new sarcoma therapies.


Our experienced team of sarcoma specialists discovers and delivers innovative cancer care. 体积大于1,每年有200个肉瘤患者, UCLA Health providers are the leading sarcoma specialists in Los Angeles.


呼叫 888-662-8252 to request an appointment with a sarcoma specialist at UCLA Health.


Trust your care to our dedicated sarcoma experts. For more information, connect with a cancer care specialist at 888-662-8252.